Friday, February 29, 2008

Money Making Tips for Article Marketing

Millions of people use the Internet each day in order to find a solution to a problem. Whether it is the solution to a homework problem or the reason behind a nasty cough there is an answer to be found somewhere online. Very rarely however does someone go online with the sole intention of buying a product or service. This is the reason why article marketing is such a powerful tool. You can establish yourself as a trusted expert in a particular topic, which will lead to you building a good, solid reputation. Selling a product or service is much easier when people trust you.

Below are some ways to make article marketing profitable:

  • Make the opening paragraph and title to your article unique enough to grab your reader’s attention. When you are searching for something online using a search engine you are going to be more likely to click on an article that has an interesting title and clearly state what the article is all about. Once you have clicked on the article you will be compelled to read the entire thing if it has a great opening paragraph right?
  • You need to write your articles in an easy to understand manner. The thing to keep in mind when you are writing content for the internet is that you are writing for all kinds of readers. This means that everyone from a twelve-year-old child to a ninety-year-old grandmother need to be able to clearly understand the message you are trying to get across. The best approach to take in writing your articles is getting rid of long flowery words and making your message clear and to the point.
  • Be sure to draw all the important points of your article together in the conclusion of your article. Make sure to leave a big impression on your readers so they will turn to you again when they are seeking additional related information. Establishing yourself as an expert in a topic is an excellent way to develop trust which will hopefully convert your readers to clients as most all consumers prefer to do business with someone they trust.
  • Be vigilant in submitting your articles to article directories. This is an excellent way to develop a large amount of back links to your website which will drastically increase the amount of traffic that you are currently getting. Article submission websites like are a great place to begin submitting your articles.

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