Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Making Money Blog - A Full Disclosure

Before I go any further and start giving you actual ideas and tips on making money, I need to make a full disclosure. One of the principles that I operate on and try to live by is that of honesty. I am not here to trick you, and I don't want to make money by trickery. Remember that more than anything I want to make you think your way into making good money.

In my previous post Starting out - things to consider, I said that you should always ask Why? And if you've thought about it some more, you should be asking yourself why I am writing this blog, why I am sharing this information with you, why I will be giving you the ideas that I will. That's what this disclosure post is about. I am giving you the answer to the why question for this blog.

1. For my ego

I write this blog because I enjoy sharing what I know. I spend a lot of time online, and see a lot of different endeavors that people go into and then give up on, or succeed in. I belong to a lot of forums, and I will be sharing more about this, and have seen the way making money works and fails, and I want to share with you what I have learned and am always learning. IF someone succeeds by making even a single penny from what I've shared here I will be ecstatic!! So it's good for my ego!

2. To make money

The second reason I write this blog is so that I can make some money. I am sharing on making money, and in the process I hope to make some money from this blog. How will I do this? Well, all the tips I will give you as I go will be tips that I will probably be using here.
  • Adsense ads - on the right sidebar you can see a series of ads. This make me money every time someone clicks on them. I will show you how to use them in different ways.
  • Affiliate links - by becoming an affiliate of different networks and companies, I earn money every time I refer someone who buys something or signs up for something. So some of the links I put on here will be affiliate links, which means that every time you click on them and actually buy or sign up for something I make a little money. Not all of them will be, but some will. I will also be talking about affiliate marketing later.
So far, those are the two methods. I will share more methods as I implement them.

Why am I making these disclosures? Because it is the ethical thing to do. Because successful relationships and transactions, whether in life or in business or in blogging, are built on trust. Because I want you to know that I benefit from you reading my blog, and from you clicking on my links, and I want you to have the choice to either support me, or not. If I post an affiliate link to Paypal, for example, I will make money if you sign up after clicking my link. You can also decide to open a new browser window and just open Paypal for yourself, and I make no money that way. I want to give you the choice.

That is my disclosure. Now let's get back to making money.



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